Australia – odds ratios of fathers’ leave-taking on fathers’ involvement when children were 2 to 3 years old
Denmark - odds ratios of fathers’ leave-taking by number on fathers’ involvement when children were around 6 months old
United Kingdom - odds ratios of paternity leave-taking and other types of leave on fathers’ involvement when children were around 9 months old
United States - odds ratios of fathers’ leave taking on fathers’ involvement when children were around 9 months old
Note: + p<.10;** p<.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001.
1. Estimates presented here were drawn from logistic multivariate regressions. Although not presented here, estimates belong to models that control for child-related factors (sex, age in months, ethnicity, whether child was born prematurely, weight at birth, whether foreign language spoken at home, number of siblings and temperament); paternal characteristics (age at child’s birth, born outside the country of study, educational level, number of working hours);, maternal characteristics (age at child’s birth, born outside the country of study, educational level, employment during pregnancy, working hours and mental health); and, family-related variables (parents’ partnership status, family income and housing).
2. Figures are odd ratios and the omitted category is fathers who did not take leave.
3. Fathers are defined as involved if they performed frequently the task: all tasks at least once a day, except giving a bath and reading which had to be carried out several times a week (Table 2).