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. 2016 Jan 25;24(4):950–955. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2016.01.033

Table 3.

MICs and MBCs in μg/mL of methanol extracts from the studied plants and chloramphenicol.

Bacterial strains Tested samples, MIC and MBC (in bracket) values (μg/mL)
Albizia adianthifolia
Alchornea laxiflora
Boerhavia diffusa Combretum hispidum
Laportea ovalifolia Scoparia dulcis CHL
Escherichia coli
ATCC8739 128 (–) 128 (1024) 256 (–) 1024 (–) 1024 (–) - 512 (–) 2 (64)
ATCC10536 512 (–) 256 (–) 128 (–) 512 (–) 1024 (–) 1024 (–) 2 (32)
AG100ATet 256 (–) 256 (–) 1024 (–) 512 (–) 1024 (–) 32 (256)
AG102 1024 (–) 1024 (–) 256 (–) 512 (–) 512 (–) 1024 (–) 512 (–) 512 (–) 1024 (–) 32 (256)

Enterobacter aerogenes
ATCC13048 256 (–) 128 (1024) 512 (–) 512 (–) 1024 (–) 256 (–) 16 (128)
CM64 256 (–) 128 (512) 512 (–) 512 (–) 1024 (–) 512 (–) 512 (–) 512 (–) 1024 (–) 256 (–)
EA 27 256 (–) 256 (–) 128 (1024) 1024 (–) 512 (–) 512 (–) 32 (256)
EA 289 128 (–) 128 (–) 128 (1024) 64 (1024) 512 (–) 256 (–) 1024 (–) 256 (–) 256 (–) 32 (256)

Klebsiella pneumoniae
ATCC11296 128 (–) 128 (–) 256 (–) 256 (–) 1024 (–) 32 (256)
KP55 256 (–) 256 (–) 512 (–) 512 (–) 1024 (–) 512 (–) 64 (256)
KP63 128 (–) 128 (–) 512 (–) 1024 (–) 256 (–) 32 (256)

Providencia stuartii
ATCC29916 512 (–) 512 (–) 512 (–) 1024 (–) 256 (–) 1024 (–) 64 (256)
NEA 16 512 (–) 1024 (–) 128 (–) 512 (–) 512 (–) 128 (–) 512 (–) 64 (256)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa
PA01 256 (–) 128 (–) 512 (–) 512 (–) 512 (–) 256 (–) 64 (–)
PA124 256 (–)

–: >1024 (MIC) or not determined; the tested extracts were obtained from (L: Leaves; B: bark; R: roots; W: whole plant); CHL: chloramphenicol.