Table 1.
Sociodemographic Risk Factors | Patients, No.b (%)c | P Valued | |||
Total (N = 52 175) | Alive (n = 48 358) | TB-Specific Mortality (n = 1404) | Non–TB-Specific Mortality (n = 2413) | ||
Age group, y | 52 175 (100.0) | 48 355 (100.0) | 1403 (99.9) | 2413 (100.0) | <.001 |
0-14 | 2830 (5.4) | 2812 (99.4) | 12 (0.4) | 6 (0.2) | |
15-24 | 5498 (10.5) | 5461 (99.3) | 21 (0.4) | 16 (0.3) | |
25-44 | 16 935 (32.5) | 16 561 (97.8) | 172 (1.0) | 202 (1.2) | |
45-64 | 16 090 (30.8) | 14 891 (92.5) | 453 (2.8) | 746 (4.6) | |
≥65 | 10 818 (20.7) | 8630 (79.8) | 745 (6.9) | 1443 (13.3) | |
Sex | 52 156 (100.0) | 48 340 (100.0) | 1403 (99.9) | 2413 (100.0) | <.001 |
Male | 31 691 (60.8) | 29 159 (92.0) | 935 (3.0) | 1597 (5.0) | |
Female | 20 465 (39.2) | 19 181 (93.7) | 468 (2.3) | 816 (4.0) | |
Time in the United States, y | 52 175 (100.0) | 48 358 (100.0) | 1404 (100.0) | 2413 (100.0) | <.001 |
<1 | 7256 (13.9) | 6850 (94.4) | 163 (2.3) | 243 (3.4) | |
1-9 | 11 247 (21.6) | 10 933 (97.2) | 130 (1.2) | 184 (1.6) | |
≥10 | 14 365 (27.5) | 13 293 (92.5) | 384 (2.7) | 688 (4.8) | |
US born | 19 307 (37.0) | 17 282 (89.5) | 727 (3.8) | 1298 (6.7) | |
Country of birth and race/ethnicity | 52 125 (99.9) | 48 323 (99.9) | 1399 (99.6) | 2403 (99.6) | <.001 |
Foreign born | 32 818 (63.0) | 31 041 (94.6) | 672 (2.1) | 1105 (3.4) | |
Non-Hispanic Asian | 14 476 (27.8) | 13 624 (94.1) | 297 (2.1) | 555 (3.8) | |
Non-Hispanic African American | 4437 (8.8) | 4296 (96.8) | 59 (1.3) | 82 (1.9) | |
Hispanic | 11 378 (21.8) | 10 760 (94.6) | 254 (2.2) | 364 (3.2) | |
Non-Hispanic white | 1654 (3.3) | 1527 (92.3) | 44 (2.7) | 83 (5.0) | |
Non-Hispanic other or unknown | 873 (1.7) | 834 (95.5) | 18 (2.1) | 21 (2.4) | |
US born | 19 307 (37.0) | 17 282 (89.5) | 727 (3.8) | 1298 (6.7) | |
Non-Hispanic Asian | 667 (1.3) | 638 (95.7) | 8 (1.2) | 21 (3.2) | |
Non-Hispanic African American | 7721 (14.8) | 6893 (89.3) | 285 (3.7) | 543 (7.0) | |
Hispanic | 3588 (7.1) | 3357 (93.6) | 104 (2.9) | 127 (3.5) | |
Non-Hispanic white | 6462 (12.4) | 5630 (87.1) | 280 (4.3) | 552 (8.5) | |
Non-Hispanic othere or unknown | 869 (1.7) | 764 (87.9) | 50 (5.8) | 55 (6.3) | |
Excessive alcohol use within past year | 52 109 (99.9) | 48 298 (99.9) | 1401 (99.8) | 2410 (99.9) | <.001 |
Yes | 6067 (11.6) | 5498 (90.6) | 239 (3.9) | 330 (5.4) | |
No or unknown | 46 042 (88.4) | 42 800 (93.0) | 1162 (2.5) | 2080 (4.5) | |
Correctional facility resident at time of TB diagnosis | 51 993 (99.7) | 48 192 (99.7) | 1397 (99.5) | 2404 (99.6) | <.001 |
Yes | 2114 (4.1) | 2057 (97.3) | 20 (1.0) | 37 (1.8) | |
No or unknown | 49 879 (95.9) | 46 135 (92.5) | 1377 (2.8) | 2367 (4.8) | |
Long-term care facility resident at time of TB diagnosis | 52 111 (99.9) | 48 304 (99.9) | 1400 (99.7) | 2407 (99.8) | <.001 |
Yes | 1090 (2.1) | 722 (66.2) | 112 (10.3) | 256 (23.5) | |
No or unknown | 51 021 (97.9) | 47 582 (93.3) | 1288 (2.5) | 2151 (4.2) | |
Homeless within past year | 52 112 (99.9) | 48 305 (99.9) | 1400 (99.7) | 2407 (99.8) | .02 |
Yes | 2786 (5.3) | 2565 (92.1) | 98 (3.5) | 123 (4.4) | |
No or unknown | 49 326 (94.7) | 45 740 (92.7) | 1302 (2.6) | 2284 (4.6) | |
Injectable drug use within past year | 52 125 (99.9) | 48 314 (99.9) | 1402 (99.9) | 2409 (99.8) | .001 |
Yes | 753 (1.4) | 672 (89.2) | 28 (3.7) | 53 (7.0) | |
No or unknown | 51 372 (98.6) | 47 642 (92.7) | 1374 (2.7) | 2356 (4.6) | |
Primary occupation | 48 315 (92.6) | 44 583 (92.2) | 1375 (97.9) | 2357 (97.7) | <.001 |
High-risk occupationf | 1829 (3.8) | 1792 (98.0) | 15 (0.8) | 22 (1.2) | |
Not employed | 22 629 (46.8) | 20 921 (92.5) | 620 (2.7) | 1088 (4.8) | |
Retired | 6655 (13.8) | 5209 (78.3) | 505 (7.6) | 941 (14.1) | |
Other or unknown | 17 202 (35.6) | 16 661 (96.9) | 235 (1.4) | 306 (1.8) |
Abbreviation: TB, tuberculosis.
aData source: National Tuberculosis Surveillance System, 2009-2013, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
bSome categories do not have observations for every patient included in the study because the National Tuberculosis Surveillance System is a passive surveillance system in which not every data field was completed for every patient.
cPercentages may not total to 100.0% because of rounding. Total percentages for each risk factor are column percentages from the total number of patients with TB in that category.
dP values are based on a Pearson χ2 test of independence. We defined significance as P ≤ .001.
eIncludes multiracial, Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaska Native, and unknown race.
fIncludes correctional employees and health care workers.