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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Fam Issues. 2015 Dec 30;38(8):1132–1156. doi: 10.1177/0192513X15623586

Table 3.

Random-Effects (RE) and Fixed-Effects (FE) Models for the Association Between Father Participation in Child-Related Chores and Maternal Parenting Stress (N = 6,096 Person-Years)

Main Effects Variation by Relationship Status

b SE b SE b SE b SE
Father child-related chores −.058 .013*** −.057 .016*** −.089 .022*** −.089 .025**
Father chores x cohabitation −.031 .041 −.009 .049
Father chores x dating .056 .046 .084 .053
Father chores x divorced .072 .032* .073 .038
Father chores x repartnered .073 .034* .071 .041
Mother-father relationship
 Cohabiting .025 .030 .053 .036 .144 .149 .099 .177
 Dating .009 .044 .005 .052 −.177 .152 −.268 .176
 Divorced −.002 .032 −.004 .037 −.193 .094* −.201 .111
 Repartnered .028 .038 .053 .045 −.161 .095 −.137 .112
 Unemployed .088 .025*** .118 .028*** .089 .025*** .120 .028***
 Currently in prison .024 .074 −.025 .099 .036 .076 −.008 .101
 Ever been in prison −.102 .033** −.167 .044*** −.099 .033** −.159 .046**
 Have problems .007 .038 −.042 .046 .022 .039 −.028 .047
 Number of children .003 .008 −.004 .011 .006 .008 .000 .011
 Child gender −.022 .028 −.023 .028
 Child temperament .089 .014*** .089 .014***
 Child health .019 .013 .042 .015** .021 .013 .043 .014**
 Age .004 .003 .004 .003
  < high school .129 .038*** .125 .038***
  Some college .027 .039 .030 .039
  College degree+ .167 .053** .168 .053**
  Black −.004 .040 −.003 .040
  Hispanic −.067 .039 −.066 .039
  Other race .145 .068* .145 .068*
 Weekly work hours −.001 .000* .000 .001 −.001 .000* .000 .001
 Income-to-poverty ratio −.042 .008*** −.056 .009*** −.042 .008*** −.056 .009***
 Mother’s health −.029 .009** −.009 .011 −.028 .009** −.008 .011
 Relationship status at birth
  Cohabitation −.079 .042 −.085 .042*
  Dating −.067 .050 −.069 .050
  Non-romantic −.027 .066 −.024 .066
 Wave 2 −.061 .014*** −.067 .016*** −.062 .014*** −.069 .016***
 Wave 3 .060 .014*** .056 .015*** .061 .014*** .057 .015***
Intercept 2.119 .130*** 2.205 .147***

Reference categories include married, father engagement x married, high school, white, married, and W1.


p <.05,


p <.01;


p <.001