(A–D) Cross-sections from the motor branch of the femoral nerve for control (A), Scn8a+/− (B), GarsC201R/+ (C), and double-heterozygous mice (D); note (A) and (B) are montages to capture the entire nerve.
(E) Axon diameters were not changed in Scn8a+/−, and double-heterozygous mice did not show a greater reduction in axon diameters than GarsC201R/+ alone.
(F) Axon number in the motor branch of the femoral nerve was unchanged in any genotype.
(G) NCV was mildly reduced in Scn8a+/− mice, and double heterozygotes had conduction velocities reduced below either single mutant.
(H) No muscle atrophy was observed in Scn8a+/− mice, and no additional muscle atrophy beyond the effects of GarsC201R/+ was observed in double heterozygotes.
(I) Scn8a+/− mice did not show changes in innervation at the NMJ, but double-heterozygous mice had more partial innervation and denervation at NMJs than GarsC201R/+ mice.
Values in (F)–(I) are mean ± SD. Analyses were performed on eight mice per genotype at 3 months of age with an approximately equal mix of males and females.
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Scale bar in (D), 50 μm for (A)–(D).