Tumor development deregulates the mammary gland microenvironment and alters
stromal cells. A, Left, whole mount analysis of control (left) and
tumor-adjacent (TAG, right) mammary glands. Arrows indicate branch points.
Right, branch point quantification of matched control and tumor-adjacent glands,
with analysis from paired t-test. B, Representative images of IHC
staining of cytokeratin 8 (K8) and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA)
in control (top) and TAG (bottom). C, Quantification of IHC (shown
in B) of percent of K8+ and α-SMA+
cells per 40× region of interest (ROI) in both control and TAG.
D, Representative images of both control and TAG mammospheres
with corresponding quantifications at day 10 post-plating. E,
Schematic depicting experimental strategy for intraductal injection experiments.
F, FACS plot of MaSCs from both control (left) and TAG (right)
mammary glands.