FIG 6 .
RNAi pathways limit replication of RVFV in A. aegypti and D. melanogaster cells. (A and B) Impact of Ago2 knockdown on replication of RVFV rMP12delNSs:hRen in Aag2 cells (A) or D. melanogaster S2 cells (B). Knockdown of Ago2 was induced by transfection of dsRNA targeting the corresponding sequence (A. aegypti dsAgo2 in panel A or D. melanogaster dsDmAgo2 in panel B). Cells transfected with dsRNA targeting eGFP (dsCon) were used as controls. Viral replication was measured in dsAgo2-treated Aag2 and S2 cells by luciferase assay; values were normalized against the respective dsCon-treated cells. (A) The graph presents means and standard errors of results from five independent experiments performed in triplicate. (B) The graph presents means and standard errors of results from four independent experiments, each performed in sextuplicate. Statistical analysis was performed using the t test. *, P < 0.05. (C) Impact of Piwi4, Piwi5, Piwi6, and Ago3 knockdown on replication of RVFV rMP12delNSs:hRen in Aag2 cells. Knockdown of Piwi4, Piwi5, Piwi6, and Ago3 was induced by transfection of dsRNA targeting the corresponding sequence, and dsRNA targeting eGFP (dsCon) was used as a control. Viral replication in dsPiwi4-, dsPiwi5-, dsPiwi6-, and dsAgo3-treated cells as measured by luciferase assay was normalized against that in control (dsCon-treated) cells. The panel represents mean values and standard errors of results from five independent experiments performed in triplicate. Statistical analysis was performed using the t test. *, P < 0.05.