Fig. 4.
Characterization of expression and chromosomal location of genes with increased paternal-X expression in Eed –/– TSCs. a Plot of log2 fold change between genotypes in the expression of paternal allele, as calculated by DESeq2 (y-axis) vs. percent difference in paternal allele expression between Eed –/– and WT TSCs (x-axis) for the 74 X-linked genes exhibiting a statistically significant increase in the relative proportion of paternal:maternal allele expression. Sixty-five genes are upregulated (green) and nine genes are downregulated (red) from the paternal-X. b Table summarizing the ten X-linked genes with the greatest increase in paternal allele expression in Eed –/– TSCs. c Histogram indicating the location of all 338 X-linked genes with informative SNPs with ≥ 10X coverage (gray bars) and the 65 upregulated genes whose relative expression from the paternal allele is significantly increased (green bars). Derepressed X-linked genes are distributed across the length of the X chromosome