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. 2017 Apr 5;51(9):4740–4754. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b05640

Table 1. Overview of Original Literature Data on Analysis of Individual Organic Compounds in Shale Gas FPW.

source shale basins water analyzed compounds extraction method analytical method detection
Hayes, 2009; Hayes and Severin, 2012 Marcellus shale (19 wells); Barnett shale (5 wells) flowback and produced (Marcellus shale); Flowback (Barnett shale) 70 VOC; 116 sVOC; 22 pesticides; 7 PCBs; ethylene glycol purge-and-trap GC-MSa quantitative
Maguire-Boylee and Barron, 2014 Marcellus shale; Eagle Ford shale; Barnett shale produced identification of organic compounds using NIST library liquid\liquid extraction with chloroform (acidified and nonacidified conditions) GC-MSa qualitative
Orem et al., 2014 Marcellus shale;New Albany shale flowback and produced identification of organic compounds using NIST library and standard compounds liquid\liquid extraction with dichloromethane GC-MSa semiquantitative
Thurman et al., 2014 Denver-Julesburg basin; Barnett shale; Marcellus shale; Haynesville basin flowback and produced ethoxylated surfactants direct injection HPLC/Q-TOF-MSb qualitative
Ferrer and Thurman, 2015 Denver-Julesburg basin flowback and produced biocides (ADBAC, glutaraldehyde); surfactant (cocamidopropyl dimethylamine); thickener (guar gum) direct injection HPLC/Q-TOF-MSb qualitative
Lester et al., 2015 Denver-Julesburg basin flowback VOC; sVOC; surfactants purge and trap (VOC, sVOC); direct injection (trace organics) GC-MSa; HPLC/Q-TOF-MSb quantitative (VOC, sVOC); qualitative (trace organics)
Thacker et al., 2015 Barnett shale not specified VOC; sVOC;nonvolatile organics purge and trap (VOC, sVOC); Direct injection (trace organics) GC-MS;a HPLC-HRMSc qualitative
Regnery et al., 2016 Denver-Julesburg basin produced linear aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-C10 to n-C32); PAH-16 solid-phase extraction GC-MSa quantitative

Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.


High pressure liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry.


High performance liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry.