Regulation of 14q32 Pri-miR and Pre-miR Expression In Vivo
(A) Expression of pri-miR and pre-miR transcripts of 14q32 microRNAs miR-329, miR-487b, miR-494, and miR-495 in adductor muscle tissue of GSO-Mef2a- or GSO-control-treated animals at 14 days after hind limb ischemia. Per group, adductor muscle tissue of 11 mice was used. Mean expression levels are shown here relative to expression of snRNA-U6 (±SEM). (B) RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation with either MEF2A antibodies or negative control rabbit IgG followed by qRT-PCR on pri-miR transcripts of 14q32 microRNAs miR-494 and miR-487b. Data are normalized against 10% input.