Figure 2.
Characterization of non-B DNA structure formation by native PAGE and CD spectroscopy. Native gel electrophoresis results showing folded mobilities under (A) H-DNA/triplex-forming and (C) G4-DNA-forming conditions. R1, R2 = 36-mer; R2-3΄, R2-5΄ = 46-mer; M10 = 10-bp marker; T30/T40 = single-strand polydT markers; DS12/DS24 = double-strand markers. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy results showing (B) a negative peak in the 210–220 nm region (oval) indicates triplex formation under triplex-forming conditions. (D) A negative peak at 240 nm and positive peak at 260 nm suggest parallel G4-DNA formation under G4-DNA-forming conditions.