Figure 1.
Spt5 proteins in Paramecium. (A) Predicted protein domains (colored boxes) for Paramecium tetraurelia, Tetrahymena thermophila, Homo sapiens, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Arabidopsis thaliana Spt5 proteins. (B) Neighbor-joining tree of Spt5 proteins from ciliates based on the alignment of entire protein sequences (461 positions in the final dataset) and the following parameters: bootstrap 1000 (bootstrap values displayed next to the branches) and Poisson correction. Ptet, P. tetraurelia; Pbi, Paramecium biaurelia; Psex, Paramecium sexaurelia; Pcaud, Paramecium caudatum; Ot, Oxytricha trifallax; Tt, T. thermophila, human (Hs) and arabidopsis (At). (C) Autogamy time-course of gene expression for P. tetraurelia SPT5 (GSPATG00013468001, GSPATG00023145001), DCL2 (GSPATG00008494001), DCL3 (GSPATG00027456001) and SPO11 (GSPATG00009108001). The Y-axis shows the log2 signals from custom microarrays (55,59).