Figure 3. Impact of binning on avalanche size distributions Psub(s) and scaling.
(a,d) Sampling N=27 units at different bin sizes from sparse (a) and fully connected network (d). For small bin sizes (<16 steps), Psub(s) deviates from a power law with slope 1.5 (dashed line). For larger bin sizes (≥ 32 steps), Psub(s) is bin size invariant and shows the expected power law with cutoff. (b,e) Same as Fig. 2; for sufficiently large bin sizes Psub(s) collapsed under subsampling scaling. (c,f) When applying a small bin size, here one step, Psub(s) does not collapse. Parameters: Critical branching model (BM) with size M=214 and sparse connectivity (k=4), except for d that has all-to-all connectivity (k=M).