Fig. 5.
DCL Down-Regulation Affects GR Translocation in N1E-115 Cells
A, Dose-dependent DCL mRNA down-regulation induced by pS-DCL, as compared with pS-DCLm. DCL levels were normalized to the 18S subunit of rRNA. Results represent mean ± sem of three independent experiments performed in duplicate. F, Dose-dependent DCL protein down-regulation induced by pS-DCL as compared with pS-DCLm and recovery of DCL expression levels by cotransfection with DCL-DsRed2 (DCL-R). Results shown are from one representative experiment of three independent ones performed in duplicates. Molecular weight markers are indicated on the left. C and D, DEX-induced GR (green) translocation in neurites (tubulin, red) of pS-DCL or pS-DCLm-transfected cells. E, GR/tubulin colocalization scores after DEX treatment in cellular processes in pS-DCL or pS-DCLm-transduced cells. Neurites were selected as areas of interest for score calculations. Mock-transfected cells treated with DEX or vehicle are shown as experimental controls. *, Significantly different from mock-transfected, vehicle-treated cells (Mock Veh). F, DEX-induced nucleus-cytosol GR translocation ratios in pS-DCLm- or pS-DCL-transfected cells. (mean ± sem of three independent experiments; 100 cells scored in each). G, DEX-induced GR-dependent transcriptional activity in pS-DCLm- or pS-DCL-transfected cells (mean ± sem of three independent experiments performed in duplicates). Scale bars, 20 um. *, Significantly different. Tub., Tubulin; Veh., vehicle.