a) Agarose gel of products of Pol III strand-displacement (SD) DNA synthesis, a demanding assay for Pol III* activity (
Jergic et al., 2013). The time course of flap-primer extension on M13 ssDNA depicts products larger than unit length of dsDNA (TFII) generated by SD DNA synthesis. (
B) Alkaline agarose gel of coupled DNA replication. Reactions were performed on a 2 kb circular dsDNA template with wild-type (WT) Pol III*, WT Pol III* + SYTOX orange, red SNAP-labeled Pol III* and green SNAP-labeled Pol III*. (Left panel) The gel was stained with SYBR-Gold. (Right panel) Intensity profiles of lanes 2–5 of the left panel. The Okazaki fragment size distribution is centered at 1.3 ± 0.4 kb. Intensity profiles have been corrected for the difference in intensity of different size fragments using the ladder as a standard.