Figure 6. No effects of paternal CIE on exploratory behavior or accelerating rotarod performance after acute ethanol injection.
(A) E-sired (ethanol, n=11; saline, n=12) and C-sired (ethanol, n=10; saline, n=11) male mice performed similarly in the open field test following an acute ethanol injection. In the accelerating rotarod task, (B) E-sired (ethanol, n=5; saline, n=7) and C-sired (ethanol, n=6; saline, n=7) females responded similarly to acute ethanol in the open field test. (C) C-sired males (ethanol, n=10; saline, n=11) and E-sired males (ethanol, n=11; saline, n=12) did not show a significant effect for ethanol injection on rotarod performance. (D) There was no effect of ethanol on rotarod performance in C-sired females (ethanol, n=6; saline, n=7) or in E-sired females (ethanol, n=6; saline, n=7). Data presented as mean ± SEM. ***=p<0.001.