Figure 4. Humphrey visual field (HVF) changes inside and outside trained locations.
(A) Area of the visual field that improved ≥6 dB inside and outside of the trained blind field locations in CB1–CB16. (B) Area of the visual field that worsened by ≥6 dB inside and outside of the trained blind field locations in CB1–CB16. (C) Area improved as a function of distance from training locations (light data points) and the pretraining blind field border (black data points). Distance was binned in 5-degree increments. (D) Plot of the average magnitude of improvement in each 5-degree distance bin. (E) Pretraining visual sensitivity in areas of the Humphrey field that improved by ≥6 dB posttraining in CB1–CB16. Area improved in each bin is expressed as a percentage of the total area improved. (F) Pretraining visual sensitivities in areas of the blind field covered by training stimuli (expressed as % of total area trained) in CB1–CB16. Bins are greater than the lower number and ≤ greater number. Zero bin encompasses only locations with 0 dB sensitivity. Values are means ± SEM.