Single-R2* correction performs better than dual-R2* correction, based on RMSE of Monte Carlo results, over most of the combinations of PDFF (0–100%) and SNR (10–100). In the plots shown, single-R2* RMSE has been subtracted from dual-R2* RMSE. The black line is the contour where the RMSE from dual-R2* is equal to the RMSE from single-R2*. Below the black line contour, single-R2* has lower RMSE (ie, better performance); above the contour, dual-R2* has lower RMSE. Results are plotted for (a) 1.5T and (b) 3.0T. For all combinations of SNR and PDFF shown, R2*W is fixed at 300 s−1, and R2*F is fixed at 250 s−1.