FIG. 6.
Immunohistochemical assessment of microglial/macrophage activation. Representative image of 25-μm-thick coronal sections of sham-injured and blast-injured rat brains after immunofluorescence staining for the microglial/macrophage marker Iba1 (red) indicating glial activation or macrophage infiltration. Sham-injured sections (A). Blast-injured tissue sections (B). All images correspond to ventral areas of interest from Fig. 5E and F. Digitally zoomed insets (right) highlight the characteristic amoeboid, “activated” morphology of Iba-1+ cells after mBINT (B) as compared with the stellate, “resting state” morphology of Iba-1+ cells in sham-injured animals (A). Bar = 10 μm (A and B) and 5 μm (insets). Figure is available in color online only.