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. 2017 Feb 15;8(15):25141–25150. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.15350

Table 1. Characteristics of subjects and prevalence rates of suicidal ideation by variables.

Variables No. of inpatients No. of suicidal ideators Rate of suicidal ideation, % χ2 P
Gender Male 255 33 12.9 2.127 0.145
Female 262 46 17.6
Age (years) 20-49 111 19 17.1
50-64 240 31 12.9 1.94 0.379
65+ 166 29 17.5
Education (years) ≤6 126 16 12.7
7-9 206 28 13.6 3.833 0.28
10-12 147 26 17.7
≥13 38 9 23.7
Marital status Married or remarried 489 72 14.7 2.16 0.142
Others* 28 7 25.0
Place of abode Urban 305 39 12.8 3.573 0.059
Rural 212 40 18.9
Living arrangement Not alone 464 68 14.7 1.367 0.242
Alone 53 11 20.8
Religious belief No 492 70 14.2 8.712 0.003
Yes 25 9 36.0
Self-rated economic status Moderate or good 312 39 12.5 4.699 0.030
Poor 205 40 19.5
A family history of psychiatric illness No 503 72 14.3 13.399 <0.001
Yes 14 7 50.0
A relative or friend who completed/attempted suicide No 505 74 14.7 6.607 0.010
Yes 12 5 41.7
Depressive symptoms No 321 14 4.4 77.982 <0.001
Yes 196 65 33.2
Anxiety symptoms No 132 2 1.5 25.945 <0.001
Yes 387 77 20.0
Intensity of pain None and mild 363 35 9.6 29.929 <0.001
Moderate and severe 154 44 28.6
Cancer staging Local 145 9 6.2
Regional 144 22 15.3 15.089 0.001
Metastatic 228 48 21.1
Time since cancer diagnosis (months) ≤18 275 51 18.5 4.838 0.028
>18 242 28 11.6
No. of hospital admissions ≤2 117 21 17.9 0.832 0.362
>2 400 58 14.5
ECOG Scale score of performance status# 1-2 395 41 10.4 31.055 <0.001
3-4 122 38 31.1
Current treatment regimen Chemotherapy or radiotherapy 338 40 11.8
Palliative care 143 29 20.3 10.205 0.006
Surgery 36 10 27.8

* “Others” included never married, separated, cohabitating, divorced, and widowed.

#1=Restricted in physically strenuous activity but ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature, e.g., light house work, office work; 2=Ambulatory and capable of all self-care but unable to carry out any work activities; up and about more than 50% of waking hours; 3= Capable of only limited self-care; confined to bed or chair more than 50% of waking hours; 4= Completely disabled; cannot carry on any self-care; totally confined to bed or chair.