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. 2017 May 8;19:86. doi: 10.1186/s13075-017-1294-0

Table 7.

Model Generated from Pre-screened Predictors

Effect Estimate Standardized Est
Intercept 4.268844 0
Baseline Visit Count 0.001667 0.01991
Baseline Primary Care Visit Count 0.000924 0.00261
Baseline Occupational Visit Count 0.011031 0.016
Bupropion Rx in Baseline (Y/N) 0.052414 0.00666
Non-Opioid Analgesics Rx Count (CN103) 0.003163 0.00798
Anti-rheumatics, Other Rx Count (MS190) -0.000129 -0.00032
Sedative/Hypnotics, Other Rx Count (CN309) 0.00711 0.0054
Tricyclic Antidepressants Rx Count (CN601) 0.002659 0.00374
Local Anesthetics, Topical Rx Count (DE700) 0.026352 0.00779
Soaps/Shampoos/Soap-Free Cleansers Rx Count (DE400) 0.012432 0.00283
Decongestants, Systemic Rx Count (RE200) 0.055989 0.01166
Distinct VA Drug Class Rx 0.014658 0.06702
Joint Injection Count 0.003921 0.00196
Days End of Prednisone -0.000913 -0.09852
Baseline PDC for Etanercept -0.131689 -0.01788
Days Start of Golimumab -0.000651 -0.00439
Baseline PDC for Non-Biologic DMARDs -0.672468 -0.1552
Start Methotrexate in 14 Days after Index Date (Y/N) 0.04705 0.00697
Start Leflunomide in 14 Days after Index Date (Y/N) 0.013983 0.00113
Start in TNFi Biologic DMARDs in 14 Days after Index Date (Count of distinct Rx) 0.471838 0.05367
Start in Non-Biologic DMARDs in 14 Days after Index Date (Count of distinct Rx) 0.364512 0.09201
Start in Steroid in 14 Days after Index Date (Count of distinct Rx) 0.175888 0.02539
Varicose Veins of Lower Extremity (CCS119) 0.020937 0.00268
Disease of Mouth Excluding Dental Dx Count in Baseline (CCS137) 0.064254 0.00581
Other Connective Tissue Disease Dx Count in Baseline (CCS211) 0.003949 0.00625
Disease of White Blood Cells Dx Count in Baseline (CCS63) 0.066725 0.01247
Conditions Associated With Dizziness or Vertigo Dx Count in Baseline (CCS93) 0.013165 0.0045
Baseline Lab test for Chem Panel (Y/N) -0.378938 -0.02308
Baseline Lab test for RF (Y/N) 0.001583 0.00051
Baseline Foot Surgery (Y/N) 0.019935 0.00611
Baseline Hand Surgery (Y/N) 0.10473 0.02932
Opioid Analgesics Rx (Y/N) 0.190656 0.06105
Non-Opioid Analgesics Rx (CN103) (Y/N) 0.070215 0.02137
Tricyclic Antidepressants Rx (CN601) (Y/N) 0.098618 0.01553
Antidepressants, Other Rx (CN609) (Y/N) 0.064811 0.01974
CNS Medications, Other Rx (CN900) (Y/N) 0.095795 0.00729
Loop Diuretics Rx (CV702) (Y/N) 0.084218 0.01669
Diagnostics, Other Rx (DX900) (Y/N) 0.15962 0.03678
Insulin Rx (HS501) (Y/N) 0.013138 0.00212
Thyroid Supplements Rx (HS851) (Y/N) 0.02656 0.00532
Antigout Agents Rx (MS400) (Y/N) 0.003596 0.00046
Baseline Occupational Visit (Y/N) 0.052566 0.01056
Start in Non-Biologic DMARDs in 14 Days after Index Date (Y/N) 0.357809 0.0783
Start in DMARDs in 14 Days after Index Date (Y/N) 0.834045 0.11812
Baseline Use of Sulfasalazine (Y/N) 0.157077 0.03865
Baseline Use of Rituximab (Y/N) 0.08026 0.00625