Figure 3.
No difference in the properties of mEPSCs of DGCs recorded in brain slices obtained from PBS-injected (control) and TMEV-infected mice during the acute seizure period 3–7 dpi. (A) Representative traces of mEPSCs measured in the DGCs from the control group and TMEV-infected mice at 5 dpi. (B) Cumulative fraction distribution of the amplitude of mEPSCs shows no difference between control and TMEV groups. Average amplitudes of mEPSCs are plotted in the lower panel (control, n = 8; TMEV, n = 10). (C) Cumulative fraction distribution of the interevent interval (IEI) of mEPSCs shows no difference between treatment groups. The lower panel shows the average frequency of mEPSCs. Statistics: Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (cumulative fraction), unpaired t test (average amplitude and frequency).