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. 2017 Apr 7;7(1):18–32. doi: 10.1159/000458712
Practice 18+ years list size, n At baseline, n Recorded CKD patients at project close, n Recorded CKD patients
Overall BP outcome
tested for proteinuria
coded with proteinuria
with proteinuria meeting BP target at baseline
with proteinuria meeting BP target at project close
without proteinuria meeting BP target at baseline
without proteinuria meeting BP target at project close
of those BP tested, n
of all patients recorded with CKD (second programme objective)
n % n % n % n % n % n % n %
A 4,991 105 222 211 95 14 7 4 36 8 57 44 54 171 87 85 179 81
B 2,053 67 71 68 96 6 9 1 25 4 67 46 78 59 95 93 63 89
C 1,585 96 99 95 96 11 12 1 6 1 9 46 62 80 91 85 81 82
D 3,758 180 225 213 95 20 9 3 21 12 60 98 70 188 97 94 200 89
E 3,054 215 203 189 93 13 7 3 21 4 31 128 66 158 90 86 162 80
F 2,725 95 144 128 89 8 6 4 44 3 38 39 52 107 89 86 110 76
G 5,505 217 356 344 97 30 9 5 31 13 43 115 70 299 95 91 312 88
H 3,781 262 263 251 95 11 4 8 57 5 45 178 82 219 91 89 224 85
I 2,769 179 210 202 96 20 10 0 0 11 55 54 67 164 90 87 175 83
I 10,405 464 556 535 96 27 5 14 37 15 56 277 66 439 87 85 454 82
K 4,428 175 245 234 96 19 8 5 42 6 32 115 72 190 88 84 196 80