Figure 3.
Thin-film voltammetry of WT EndoIII with poly-L glutamate and comparison of WT with the mutants E200K, Y205H, and K208E. Unlike DNA, poly-L glutamate caused no significant potential shift even at 6 mM glutamate (top). 75 μM WT and mutant EndoIII in protein/CNT/Nafion thin films had nearly identical potentials, with CV peaks centered around 125 mV versus NHE (center); the similarity is even more apparent by DPV (bottom). Small shifts within the measurement error (10–15 mV) are still possible, but pale in comparison to the effect of DNA. All CVs shown were taken at 100 mV/s, while DPVs were taken at an amplitude of 0.05 V with a 0.5 s pulse period. Poly-L glutamate was pre-incubated with 75 μM EndoIII both with and without CNTs; due to the larger signals, the CVs shown are from films including CNTs.