(A)–(B) Impact of loss of Tcf1 all isoforms on T cell development. Thymocytes from WT, Tcf1+/− and Tcf1−/− mice were isolated and enumerated for total thymic cellularity (A, n ≥ 5 from at least 5 experiments). Lin− thymocytes were analyzed for DN, DP, CD4+ and CD8+ populations (top panels in B), and the Lin− DN cells were further analyzed for DN1-DN4 subsets (bottom in B). Contour plots are representative from 5 experiments (n ≥ 5).
(C)–(D) Early thymocyte survival in the absence of Tcf1 long isoforms or all isoforms. Lin− DN thymocytes from mice of indicated genotypes were surface-stained to identify DN1–DN3 subsets, followed by Hoechst 33258 and Annexin V staining. After excluding Hoechst+ dead cells, the viable cells were analyzed for Annexin V expression. The percentages of Annexin V+ cells are shown in representative contour plots (C), and cumulative data are in bar graphs (D) (n ≥ 3 from at least 3 experiments). n.d., not reliably detected. ns, not statistically significant; *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001 by Student’s t test.