(A) RT-PCR expression analyses of chTERT and chTR genes in chicken embryos, ICP1, ICP2, PCPs and DF-1 cells. The 4-day-old AA broiler embryo sample was used as a positive control and DF-1 cells as a negative control. (B) Analysis of telomerase activity in ICP1 and ICP2 cells via TRAP assay. A total of 1 × 103 telomerase-positive cells were used as a telomerase-positive control. Heat-inactivated samples (HT), minus telomerase control (2 μl CHAPS lysis buffer substituted for the cell extract, MTC) and no template control (2 μl of nuclease free water substituted for the cell extract, NTC) samples were used as telomerase-negative controls. Statistical significance of each test group was evaluated by the Duncan’s multiple test (P<0.05).