Figure 6. Presynaptic MT network regulates long and rapid directional SV movements.
(A) Confocal z-stack imaging of a calyceal terminal labelled with antibodies against de-tyrosinated α-tubulin (Red), VGLUT1 (Green) and DAPI (Blue). (B) Live confocal imaging of a calyceal terminal over-expressing GFP and labeled with SiR-Tubulin before and after treatment with 30 µM Nocodazole. (C) Quantification of GFP- and SiR-Tubulin fluorescence intensity during nocodazole treatment. (D) Live confocal imaging of a calyceal terminal expressing cytosolic GFP and Q655-Syt2 labeled vesicles, and SV tracking (long tracks displayed only). (E) Scatter plot of SV trajectory lengths and maximum speeds superimposed with individual trajectory traces in control (left panel) or nocodazole-treated terminals (right panel), color-coded (Blue <2 µm, Green 2–4 µm and red >4 µm). (F) Classification and quantification of SV movements in three groups based on their maximum speeds and trajectory lengths in control (Red, n = 8 terminals) and nocodazole-treated (Blue, n = 8) terminals. (G) Diffusion coefficient of SVs in control (Red, n = 8) and nocodazole-treated (Blue, n = 8) terminals. Two-tailed unpaired t-test (*p<0.05; ns, not significant).