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. 2017 May 9;6:e24231. doi: 10.7554/eLife.24231

Table 7.

Summary of ESR dating results (2σ uncertainties) for two end-member scenarios: (i) complete burial of the samples, 80% Rn loss in the sediment and post Th-230 equilibrium in dental tissue (i.e., maximum age scenario); (ii) complete burial of the samples and post-Rn equilibrium in sediment (i.e., minimum age scenario). See text for detailed discussion.


Sample: 1767 1788 1810 1841
Laboratory: SCU SCU Cenieh-gu SCU Cenieh-gu SCU
Scenario 1: 25 ± 10% Water, complete burial and 80% 222Rn degassing (maximum age scenario) Scenario 1: 25 ± 10% Water, complete burial and 80% 222Rn degassing (maximum age scenario)
internal dose rate (μGy a−1) 1142 ± 515 190 ± 129 47 ± 47 323 ± 175 176 ± 176 1411 ± 596
alpha (μGy a−1)* 0 0 8 ± 2 0 8 ± 2 0
beta dose rate, dentine (μGy a−1) 73 ± 33 91 ± 62 64 ± 16 75 ± 41 51 ± 14
beta dose rate, sediment (μGy a−1) 101 ± 24 105 ± 31 86 ± 17 95 ± 24 86 ± 18 358 ± 74
gamma and cosmic (μGy a−1) 549 ± 69 549 ± 69 549 ± 69 549 ± 69 549 ± 69 549 ± 69
total dose rate (μGy a−1) 1865 ± 521 935 ± 162 754 ± 87 1042 ± 194 870 ± 190 2318 ± 606
p enamel −0.03 0.49 −0.02 −0.70 −0.77 0.91
p dentine 0.08 0.13 −0.06 1.02 0.54
Age (ka) 104 ± 29 247 ± 42 211 ± 28 284 ± 51 267 ± 68 723 ± 181
Combined SCU/CENIEH-GU age (ka) 229 + 60/–46 276 + 59/–77
Average age for 1788 & 1810 (ka) 253 + 82/–70
Scenario 2: 25 ± 10% Water, complete burial and no 222Rn degassing (minimum age scenario) Scenario 2: 25 ± 10% Water, complete burial and no 222Rn degassing (minimum age scenario)
internal dose rate (μGy a−1) 1277 ± 552 216 ± 165 51 ± 51 335 ± 193 184 ± 184 1520 ± 630
alpha (μGy a−1)* 0 0 8 ± 2 0 8 ± 2 0
beta dose rate, dentine (μGy a−1) 82 ± 35 102 ± 78 69 ± 18 87 ± 50 59 ± 16 --
beta dose rate, sediment (μGy a−1) 132 ± 26 134 ± 33 111 ± 19 126 ± 26 112 ± 19 380 ± 81
gamma and cosmic (μGy a−1) 739 ± 116 739 ± 116 739 ± 116 739 ± 116 739 ± 116 739 ± 116
total dose rate (μGy a−1) 2230 ± 586 1191 ± 219 978 ± 129 1287 ± 232 1102 ± 219 2639 ± 647
p enamel −0.31 0.06 −0.37 −0.83 −0.91 0.67
p dentine −0.22 −0.22 −0.40 0.54 0.10
Age (ka) 87 ± 22 194 ± 34 163 ± 24 230 ± 40 210 ± 50 635 ± 148
Combined SCU/CENIEH-GU age (ka) 179 + 49/–40 220 + 50/–60
Average age for 1788 & 1810 (ka) 200 + 70/–61

*using alpha attenuation values of Grün (1987).

considered as negligible given the low radioelement concentrations in the sediment and the high total dose rate value.

for 1841, the beta dose rate on both sides of the enamel layer is derived from the sediment.