Figure 1. Schematic diagram depicting organization of Initial Responsiveness to Reward Attainment within the RDoC matrix.
Matrix overview: The RDoC matrix is composed of five domains organized into rows. Each domain (e.g., Positive Valence Systems) is hierarchically organized into constructs and subconstructs (due to space limitations, subconstructs are not shown above) also conceptualized as rows. Constructs and subconstructs may be studied across different units of analysis, conceptualized as columns.
Initial Responsiveness to Reward Attainment: Within the matrix for initial responsiveness to reward attainment (a construct within Positive Valence Systems), items shown in bold font correspond to items currently included in the online RDoC matrix. Items shown in italics correspond to items proposed by the authors which are not currently included under this construct in the online matrix (; November 2015).
NAcc = nucleus accumbens, mOFC=medial orbitofrontal cortex, vmPFC=ventromedial prefrontal cortex, ACC=anterior cingulate cortex, VTA=ventral tegmental area, BOLD=blood oxygenation level dependent, PANAS=Positive and Negative Affect Scale, TEPS=Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale, MID=Monetary Incentive Delay task