Fig. 6.
Bio-flocculation of Isochrysis sp. cells by BAPS-52-2 filaments. A (a) Culture of Isochrysis sp. cells at day 0 (left). The culture of Isochrysis sp. cells 2 days after co-culture with BAPS-52-2 filaments attached to the microscopic slide (right); (b, c) BAPS-52-2 filaments grown on the microscopic slide; the culture of Isochrysis sp. cells mixed with BAPS-52-2 filaments at day 0 (d) and day 2 (e, f). (c, d) images under UV light. Scale bars (a), 1 cm; (b–f), 20 µm. Significance levels: *P < 0.05. B Red line shows Isochrysis growth in monoculture (control); blue line shows a number of non-attached Isochrysis after co-cultivation with BAPS-52-2 filaments