Fig. 1.
Azido sugars are taken up by CHO cells and presented in increasing amount as a function of time grown with sugars. a After 1 day only limited amount of azido sugar is detected on the cell surface of CHO WT cells. The left panel shows cell labelled with cell mask orange (magenta), nuclei (cyan) and azido sugar (green). The middle panel is the signal from the green channel while the right panel is a transect from the upper left corner to the lower right in terms of intensity in the green channel. The signal is indistinguishable from background levels. b The three panels show the same information as in a but at day 2 after adding azido sugars. At day 2 notable amounts are present. c At day 4 after adding azido sugars a significant amount is detected on almost all cells. d Similarly, in CHO CD36 cells azido sugars are externalized to a high level after 4 days in culture. The degree of externalization is comparable in CHO CD36 and CHO WT cells. All cells are imaged live with a 20× objective