Fig. 5.
hCMEC/D3 cells also shows spatio-temporal development of the glycocalyx Endothelial cells were fed azido sugars for various days and externalization was quantified by light microscopy. a After 1 day in culture only limited staining is seen. The left panel shows cell labelled with cell mask orange (magenta), nuclei (cyan) and azido sugar (green). The middle panel is the signal from the green channel while the right panel is a transect from the upper left corner to the lower right in terms of intensity in the green channel. b At day 2 after seeding more staining is noticed although staining mainly is identified as local peaks. c After 4 days the staining is comparable with day 2. d Cells were also processed for electron microscopy. At day 4 several tufts are seen on the endothelial surface. Scale bar in d corresponds to 300 nm