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. 2017 May 10;12:82. doi: 10.1186/s13014-017-0817-9

Table 2.

Radiotherapy and outcome in major CUP studies

Study (Data Aquired)

No. of Patients (Total No. In Study)
Radiotherapy (No.)
RT dosage median (range)
Nodal State
Invasive Diagnostics

Surgical Treatment before RT
locoregional control

distant metastases (median time to appearance, months)
overall survival

Head and Neck
Mucosal Emergence No.(%)
[most common site]
Bataini et al., 1987 [9]

dRT (90 pts): 70-80Gy
pRT (48 pts): 50-60Gy
bilateral 138, mucosa 43%
N1 45 (33)
N2 32 (23)
N3 60 (44)
EC 60%, UC 40%
FNAB/IB/EB 90 (65)

Adenectomy or RND 48 (35)
neck failure:
definitive RT: 43%
RND + RT: 17%

ultimately 25%
definitive RT: 22%
RND + RT: 55%
overall 33% at 5 years

6 (4) [NR]
Jesse et al., 1973 [10]

RT alone: 52 (210)
dRT (52):
50-60Gy + 5-10Gy
unilateral 0, bilateral + mucosa 52
N1 12 (23)
N2-3 23 (77)
SCC 62%, UC 28%, GCSO 10%
EB 114/210 (52% total)

none in this group
initial local control

48% at 3 years

3 (6)
[oral cavity]
Weir et al., 1995 [11]

involved neck (85pts), bilateral + mucosa (59pts):
25 pts: 35-49Gy, 86 pts: 50-59Gy, 33 pts: 60-70Gy
N1 11 (5)
N2 67 (47)
N3 55 (38)
Nx 5 (3)
UC 30%, SCC 62%, others 8%
EB 71 (50), IB 62 (43)
FNAB 7 (7)

initial local control 51%

ultimately 23%
involved neck 37%, bilateral + mucosa 48%, overall 41%, at 5 years

7 (5)
Reddy et al., 1997 [12]

dRT (21): involved neck 70Gy (66–76)
pRT (31): involved neck 64Gy (60–66) dRT/pRT: mucosa 60-66Gy, contralateral neck 46-50Gy
unilateral 16, bilateral + mucosa 36
N1 9 (17)
N2a 16 (31)
N2b 7 (13)
N2c 5 (10)
N3 15 (29)
EB/IB 21 (40)

RND 31 (60)

ultimately 15%
40% at 5 years

10 (19)
[base of tongue]
Colletier et al., 1998 [13]

pRT (136): involved neck 63Gy (34-70)
mucosa + uninvolved neck 50-54Gy
unilateral 16, bilateral 120
N1 31 (23)
N2a 49 (37)
N2b 25 (18)
N2c 3 (2)
N3 18 (13)
Nx 10 (7)
SCC 93%, NS 7%
EB 39 (29)

MND 64 (47)
RND 33 (24)
84% with ECE
100% without ECE
neck control at 5 years

15% at 5 years
60% at 5 years
41% at 10 years

14 (10)
[oral cavity]
Fernández et al., 1998 [14]

dRT (3)/pRT (64): 50Gy
bilateral + mucosa 67
N1 9 (13)
N2 33 (49)
N3 25 (37)
FNAB 40 (60)

RND 50 (75)
MND 14 (21)
34% neck recurrence, mean 5 months

22%, mean 17 months
22% at 5 years
20% at 10 years

10 (15)
Grau et al., 2000 [15]

RT ± ND 250 (352)
dRT (250): neck 59Gy (28-93)
neck + mucosa 66Gy (20-79)
unilateral 26, bilateral + mucosa 224
N1 37 (15)
N2 119 (48)
N3 93 (37)
Nx 1 (.4)
FNAB (12)
CB (1)
EB/IB (85)

ND (2)
local control 44%
neck control 51%
muscosal control 81%


17 (7)
Iganej et al., 2002 [16]

dRT: 66Gy (48-70)
pRT: 60Gy (50-70)
unilateral 16, bilateral + mucosa 163
N1 14 (13)
N2a 27 (25)
N2b 39 (37)
N2c 2 (2)
N3 24 (23)
EB alone 12
EB + RT 15

RND 29
RT alone 24
RND + RT 26
54% neck recurrence, median 7 months; ultimately 34%
neck failure

9% (4)
53% at five years

19 (18)
Yalin et al., 2002 [17]

UC: RT 50-70Gy
SCC: RT 40-60Gy
AC: 60Gy
N1 33 (29)
N2 51 (45)
N3 30 (26)
UC 62%, SCC 24%, AC 14%
FNAB 111/EB 3 (100)

RND in case of bilateral disease (+thyrectomy in case of AC)

UC: 32%, SCC: 33%
AC: 38% at 5 years

12 (11)
[tonsillar fossa]
Aslani et al., 2007 [18]

dRT (40): 64Gy (60-70)
pRT (21): 60Gy (56-66)
unilateral 11, bilateral 50
N1 16 (26)
N2a 18 (31)
N2b 13 (21)
N2c 7 (11)
N3 7 (11)
UC 15%
FNAB 9 (15)
EB 32 (52)

MND 9 (15)
RND 11 (18)
neck control: with biopsy 76%, ND 85% at 5 years; 73% at 8 years

11.5% (2-24 months)
79% at 5 years
67% at 8 years

4 (7)
[base of tongue]
Boscolo-Rizzo et al., 2006 [19]

dRT (32 pts), pRT (47 pts): 60-70Gy before 1989; 50Gy + 10-20Gy after 1989
unilateral 37, bilateral 42
N1 10 (12)
N2a 14 (17)
N2b 23 (28)
N2c 3 (4)
N3 32 (39)
FNAB/EB 82 (100)

RND 46 (56)
MND 4 (5)

23% at 10 years
25% at 5 years
19% at 10 years

10 (12)
[base of tongue]
Beldi et al., 2007 [20]

(22/113 palliative intent)
dRT (59), pRT (54): involved neck 50Gy*, 60Gy**
bilateral neck + mucosa 50Gy*, 56Gy**
unilateral 45, bilateral 67
N1 21 (19)
N2a 12 (11)
N2b 42 (37)
N2c 10 (9)
N3 28 (25)
SCC 77%, AC 5%, UC 10%, others 8%
FNAB 14 (12)
EB 37 (33)

ND 62 (55)
disease free survival
27% at 5 years

41% at 5 years

19 (17)
Patel et al., 2007 [21]

pRT (60 pts): 50Gy or 54-60Gy
unilateral 49, bilateral 11
N1 5 (7)
N2a 13 (19)
N2b 30 (43)
N2c 4 (6)
N3 18 (26)
FNAB 68 (97) EB 2 (3)

MND 70 (100)
ipsilateral control 84%
contralateral control 93% at 5 years

10% (9)
56% at 5 years

8 (11)
[base of tongue]
Corry et al., 2008 [22]
macroscopic disease 70Gy
larger nodal masses 60Gy
sites of suspected subclinical disease 50Gy
N2a 12 (12)
N2b 43 (42)
N2c 27 (26)
N3 20 (20)
occult HNSCC\—
ND 16 (16)
neck failure ultimately 9%

ultimately 23%
60% at 3 years (of 122 pts)
Ligey et al., 2009 [29]

102 (122)
pRT (95):
involved neck 66Gy
mucosa + uninvolved neck 50Gy
unilateral 59, bilateral 36
N1 9 (9)
N2a 22 (23)
N2b 33 (35)
N3 15 (16)
Nx 16 (17)
EC 100%
EB 16 (17)

RND/MND 79 (83)
neck control 66% at 5 years

ultimately 30%
24% at 5 years

9 (9)
Lu et al., 2009 [23]

dRT (60):
69Gy (66-72) to mucosa; 62Gy (53-74) to involved areas; 51Gy (44-59) to uninvolved areas
unilateral 25, bilateral 24, bilateral + mucosa 11
N1 10 (17)
N2 39 (65)
N3 11 (18)
FNAB 51 (85)
EB 9 (15)

neck control 66% at 5 years

ultimately 18%
69% at 5 years

10 (21)
Chen et al., 2011 [24]

dRT (15):
involved neck 60-74Gy
uninvolved neck 54-66Gy
pRT (45):
involved neck 63Gy (60-66)
uninvolved neck 56Gy (54-60)
bilateral + mucosa 60
N1 5 (8)
N2a 26 (43)
N2b 20 (33)
N2c 0 (0)
N3 9 (15)
FNAB 15 (25)
EB 5 (8)

ND 8 (13)
MND 32 (53)
locoregional control 89% at 2 years

13% (9)
89% at 2 years

Wallace et al., 2011 [25]

dRT (179):
mucosa 57Gy (24-74)
neck 65Gy (50-86)
unilateral 5, bilateral + mucosa 174
N1 18 (10)
N2a 48 (27)
N2b 46 (26)
N2c 11 (6)
N3 56 (31)

ND 65 (36) before RT
ND 44 (25) after RT
mucosal control 92% and neck control 81% at 5 years

14% at 5 years
52% at 5 years

Fakhrian et al., 2012 [26]

unilateral RT (17 pts):
60Gy (50-66)
bilateral RT + mucosa (48 pts):
65Gy (28-70)
N1 14 (21)
N2a 9 (14)
N2b 34 (52)
N2c 2 (3)
N3 5 (8)
UC 14%
EB 10 (15)

RND 27 (42)
MND 24 (37)
locoregional lymph node recurrence, ultimately 14%

28% (23)
48% at 5 years

10 (15)
Tribius et al., 2012 [67]

dRT (63):
involved neck 60-68Gy
mucosa 60 Gy
uninvolved neck 50-54Gy
unilateral 7, bilateral 47
N1 6 (10)
N2 38 (57)
N3 19 (30)
FNAB 63 (100)

neck recurrence 25%, median 7 months

13% (10)
76% at 2 years

4 (6)
[base of tongue]
Demiroz et al., 2014 [27]

dRT (19 pts):
involved neck 70Gy
univovled neck 50-59Gy
pRT (22 pts):
formerly inv. neck 60Gy (ECE 66Gy)
univolved neck 54Gy
bilateral + mucosa 67
N1 4 (10)
N2a 10 (24)
N2b 18 (44)
N2c 0 (0)
N3 9 (22)
FNAB/EB 41 (100)

RND 5 (12)
MND 17 (41)
LRFS:dRT: 75% ND + RT: 76% at 4 years

definitve RT: 11%
ND + RT: 28%
definitve RT: 85% ND + RT: 85% at 4 years

2 (5)
tonsillar fossa]
Straetmans et al., 2015 [28]

pRT (46 pts):
univolved neck 50.4Gy or 46-50Gy
involved neck 59.4-63Gy or 60-66Gy
unilateral 32, bilateral 14
N1 4 (9)
N2a 7 (15)
N2b 28 (52)
N3 12 (24)
FNAB (22)

MND 51 (100)
neck recurrence ultimately 18%

ultimately 18% (<24)
55% at 5 years


Abbrevations: UC undifferentiated carcinoma, AC adenocarcinoma, EC epidermoid carcinoma, GCSO glandular carcinoma of salavary origin, IB incision biopsy, CB core biopsy, EB exicision biospy, ND neck dissection, MND modified neck dissection, RND radical neck dissection, pts patients, dRT definitive radiotherapy, pRT postoperative radiotherapy, LRFS locoregional relapse-free survival, NS not specified; *median dose in the 1980s, **median dose in the 1990s; TNM staging referring to UICC/AJCC classification actual when published; Tumor entity SCC if not described otherwise; adapted from references [928]