Figure 2.
NPNT (nephronectin) expression corresponds to CYP11B2 expression, with presence of negative feedback. A, Strong positive linear correlation between NPNT and CYP11B2 expression in 10 pairs of adenomas and their adjacent adrenal, r(18)=0.8273; P<0.0001. Inset: correlation plot excluding the 2 samples with highest NPNT expression, r(16)=0.6806; P=0.0019. Statistical analysis was conducted by Pearson product-moment correlation. B, Representative immunohistochemistry of NPNT and CYP11B2 in corresponding zona glomerulosa (ZG) areas in serial sections of the same adrenal tissue (20× magnification). C, Microarray expression of NPNT in 7 paired ZG and zona fasciculata (ZF) samples adjacent to a pheochromocytoma and 13 pairs next to an aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA). Bars represent mean expression per group±SEM. Statistical analysis was conducted by 1-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc test. *P<0.05; **P<0.005; ***P<0.0005; NS, not significant. D, Negative feedback shown by representative immunohistochemistry of NPNT, in ZG adjacent to pheochromocytoma compared with that adjacent to ZF-like or ZG-like APAs (20× magnification).