Fig. 5.
Large networks. (a) Layout of the integrated pump system of a large hanging-drop array of 24 drops. (b) Actuation protocol of the three micropumps in series. (c) Time-lapse images showing the circulation of a small volume of blue ink, added to the buffer drops at the left within one of the hanging-drop subnetworks (tON = tOFF = 200 ms, applied pressure of 40 kPa, initial volume of 250 μl, see also Movie S3†). Characteristic flow rates and pulsation amplitudes in the 4 × 6 hanging-drop subnetwork in dependence of the pump actuation protocol are presented in (d) for tOFF = tDELAY = 50 ms and in (e) for tOFF = tDELAY = 200 ms.