IRF1 Expression Leads to an Inflammatory Gene Signature
(A) Experimental scheme to ectopically express IRF1 in mature ASC adipocytes.
(B) ChIP-qPCR (n = 3) was performed for IRF1 at putative binding sites (H3K4me1 bound IRF1 motif) (PARP14, IFIT3, ISG15). OAS3 and ZNF74 represent a negative control site where IRF1 is not predicted to bind. Signals are expressed as percentage of total chromatin input. The heatmap represents expression levels of these genes in IRF1 and rtTA adipocytes.
(C) Hierarchical clustering and heatmap representation of transcriptional profiles (mRNA) from rtTA adipocytes, IRF1 adipocytes, and primary adipocytes. Probe sets are colored according to expression level. The highest expressed 30% of genes in IRF-1 adipocytes have been expanded to highlight their inflammatory nature.
Error bars represent SD, experiments were performed in biological triplicates, and statistically significant p values are denoted by asterisks (∗p ≤ 0.05, ∗∗p ≤ 0.005).