Fig. 4.
Thermal response of the agitation-treated worm-like (WL) fibrils of β2-m at pH 2.5. The WL fibrils (0.35 mg/mL) are agitated by the attached cylinder in the cell of an isothermal titration calorimeter and subsequently heated in the DSC cell (Sasahara et al. 2007a). a Electron microscopic observation: a-1 WL fibrils, a-2 agitation-treated WL fibrils, a-3 amyloid fibrils converted from the aggregates in a-2 during heating in the DSC cell. Scale bars 200 nm. b Schematic representation of agitation and heating of the WL fibrils. c DSC thermograms of the WL fibrils before (line 4) and after (lines 1–3) the agitation treatment. Heating rate is 60 °C/h. The numbers 1–3 correspond to the number of DSC scans. Adapted from Sasahara et al. (2007a)