Figure 5.
Endoglin Is Required to Maximize Pro-proliferative and Pro-migratory Endothelial Cell Responses
(A and B) Proliferation of HUVECs measured using a fluorometric assay (CyQUANT) at 24 hr (A) and 48 hr (B) is reduced in the presence of EngKO CM compared with control CM. Data from nine independent experiments are represented as mean ± SEM; ∗p < 0.05.
(C and D) Viability of HUVECs was measured using a colorimetric (MTT) assay and is similar following treatment with control CM or EngKO CM for 24 hr (C) and 48 hr (D). Data from seven independent experiments are represented as mean ± SEM.
(E and F) HUVEC migration in the scratch-wound assay is significantly reduced in the presence of EngKO CM compared with control CM. Data from five independent experiments are plotted as mean ± SEM, ∗∗p < 0.01.