Physical exam | Vital signs MAP 72 mmHg, HR 85 bpm, RR 14/min |
Right heart catheterization | Measurements |
General | Brighter affect. | RA mean pressure | 5 mmHg |
Head, neck, throat | Moist mucous membranes. | RV pressure | 26/5 mmHg |
Cardiovascular | Irregularly irregular. Parasternal soft holosystolic murmur. JVP 8 cm H2O at 30 degrees. | PA pressure | 26/15 mmHg, mean 19 mmHg |
Lungs | Clear breath sounds. No wheezes. Normal work of breathing. | PCWP | 12 mmHg |
Abdomen | Soft, normoactive bowel sounds. Moderate hepatomegaly with firm liver edges, absent hepatojugular reflux. | Pulmonary vascular resistance | 1.4 WU |
Extremities | No edema, cyanosis, or clubbing. | Cardiac output (L/min) (thermal dilution) |
5.3 (L/min), Sv02-75%, Hgb 14.2 |
Skin | Pink fingertips and warm extremities. | Cardiac index | 2.4 L/min/m2 |