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. 2017 Apr 27;2017:7065759. doi: 10.1155/2017/7065759


Physical exam Vital signs
MAP 72 mmHg, HR 85 bpm, RR 14/min
Right heart catheterization Measurements
General Brighter affect. RA mean pressure 5 mmHg
Head, neck, throat Moist mucous membranes. RV pressure 26/5 mmHg
Cardiovascular Irregularly irregular. Parasternal soft holosystolic murmur. JVP 8 cm H2O at 30 degrees. PA pressure 26/15 mmHg,
mean 19 mmHg
Lungs Clear breath sounds. No wheezes. Normal work of breathing. PCWP 12 mmHg
Abdomen Soft, normoactive bowel sounds. Moderate hepatomegaly with firm liver edges, absent hepatojugular reflux. Pulmonary vascular resistance 1.4 WU
Extremities No edema, cyanosis, or clubbing. Cardiac output (L/min)
(thermal dilution)
5.3 (L/min), Sv02-75%,
Hgb 14.2
Skin Pink fingertips and warm extremities. Cardiac index 2.4 L/min/m2