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. 2017 Jun;107(6):989–995. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.303750


Summary of Message Placement, Population Exposure, and Placement Costs: Tri-Cities Region of Northeast Tennessee, Southwest Virginia, and Southeast Kentucky, 2015

Message Form and Channel Total Impressions Impressions per Capita Placement Cost, $ Cost per 1000 Impressions, $ Impressions, Aged 18–49 Years Impressions per Capita, Aged 18–49 Years Cost per 1000 Impressions, Aged 18–49 Years, $
 Broadcast television 16 682 000 21.3 68 630 4.11 4 415 000 13.84 15.54
 Cable television 1 428 000 1.8 29 765 20.84 844 000 2.65 35.27
 Internet: Hulu 520 185 0.7 16 200a 31.14 520 185 1.63 31.14
 Internet: YouTube 328 230b 0.4 42 000 127.96 328 230b 1.03 127.96
 Subtotal video 18 958 415 24.3 156 595 8.26 6 107 415 19.15 25.64
 Pandora 2 324 000 3.0 31 375a 13.50 2 324 000 7.29 13.50
 Subtotal audio 2 324 000 3.0 31 375 13.50 2 324 000 7.29 13.50
 Pandora 2 324 000 3.0 3 486a 1.50 2 324 000 7.29 1.50
 Facebook 3 246 263c 4.2 13 694 4.22 3 246 261 10.18 4.22
 Hulu 23 107 0.0 1 800a 77.90 23 107 0.07 77.90
 Subtotal static 5 593 370 7.2 18 980 3.39 5 593 368 17.54 3.39
Total 26 875 785 34.4 206 950 7.70 14 024 783 43.98 14.76

For Hulu and Pandora, costs were for combined video and audio and static advertisement placement; 90% of costs were assigned to video and audio, 10% to static.


Does not include 1 359 471 partial views in which the viewer canceled video before completion.


Includes 2 606 141 right-hand rail, 259 584 newsfeed, and 380 538 newsfeed-promoted posts.