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. 2017 May 11;15:36. doi: 10.1186/s12969-017-0167-z

Table 1.

Infant and Maternal Characteristics of JIA Cases and non-JIA Controls born in Washington State 1997–2010

Characteristics Cases
(N = 1,252)a
(N = 6,072)a
n % n %
Infant Factors
 Female 843 67.3 2,903 47.8
 Twin/multiple gestationb 18 1.4 79 1.3
  White 984 81.3 4,425 74.8
  Black 37 3.1 316 5.3
  Asian/Pacific Islander 60 4.9 426 7.2
  Native American 38 3.1 150 2.5
  Hispanic 91 7.5 598 10.1
  Other 1 0.1 3 0.1
Maternal Factors
 Age (years)
   < 20 106 8.5 694 11.4
  20–24 233 18.6 1,536 25.3
  25–29 385 30.8 1,774 29.2
  30–34 341 27.2 1,326 21.9
  35+ 187 14.9 739 12.2
 Education (years)
   < 12 100 12.9 639 18.0
  12 227 29.3 1,092 30.8
  12–16 188 24.2 927 26.1
  16+ 261 33.6 888 25.0
 Unmarried 250 20.0 1,577 26.1
 Trimester of inception of prenatal care
  First 987 85.9 4,591 81.1
  Second 133 11.6 897 15.8
  Third 29 2.5 175 3.1
 Medicaid insurance 282 26.3 1,789 37.0

aNumbers may not add up to totals due to missing data

bOR for association with JIA = 1.04, 95% CI: 0.62–1.74