TDCS simulations. Grey matter volumes in which the field strength is above 0.15 V/m (green: P01; blue: P02; red: healthy control). The most striking observation are the much lower volumes, which are affected in the lesion models compared to the healthy control. A) Average plots over electrode positions grouped according to their distance to the lesion centre (indicated on the head model shown in Fig. 2A). For the two patient head models, significant differences to the healthy control are marked by the asterisk (p < 0.05; post-hoc pairwise t-tests, corrected via Tukey's HSD). Factor “subject” of the underlying two-way ANOVA was highly significant (p = 1.4e−23), while factor “position” was not (p = 0.63). The interaction was not significant (p = 0.61). No statistical testing was performed for the positions above the lesion due to the low number of data points (one position with two positions of the return electrode per head model). B) Detailed results for variation of the electrode positions from lateral to medial with the return electrode over the left parietal cortex. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)