Fig. 3.
Phenotypic mean per genotype class for SSC14 SNPs in Duroc. Box plots showing the differences in levels of fatty acids for the different genotypes of the most significant SNP for each trait of significance (rs318243431 for C16:0 and SFA, rs340458768 for C16:1n-7 and rs318695446 for C18:0, C18:1n-9 and MUFA). Box edges represent the upper and lower quartile with the median value shown as a bold line in the middle of the box. Whiskers represent 1.5 times the quartile of the data and individuals falling outside the range of the whiskers are shown as dots. a C16:0 b C16:1n-7 c C18:0 d C18:1n-9 e SFA f MUFA