Figure 3.
Stimulation drives a strong reduction in visual, but not auditory, decision accuracy and largely spares movements. A, Proportion correct for laser on versus laser off trials for visual (left) and auditory (right) trials. Each line illustrates values for a single site; lines of the same color are from the same animal (3 rats total). Thick gray line indicates mean (±SEM) for all sites. Dashed line indicates chance performance. B, Response times from an example site in one rat were similar after laser-on (blue) and laser-off (black) trials on both visual (left, 183 vs 184 ms, p = 0.16) and auditory (right, 209 vs 211 ms, p = 0.67) decisions. C, Movement durations from an example site were similar after laser-on (blue) and laser-off (black) trials on both visual (left, 588 vs 578 ms, p = 0.15) and auditory (right, 491 vs 476 ms, p = 0.01) decisions.