Figure 7.
Spaced, but not massed, stimulation potentiates mEJP frequency. A, Representative recordings of mEJPs from a nonstimulated (NS) preparation and from preparations subjected to spaced (S), pseudo-massed (PM), or massed (M16′) stimulation in NMJ 6/7 of control genotype (CD8.mRFP; D42/+). B, Frequency of mEJPs recorded from fibers 6/7, 15 min after each of the treatments shown in A normalized to the average frequency observed in nonstimulated preparations. Scatter dot plot showing median (gray line) with interquartile range. Black dots represent each replicate. n = 10 NMJs from 5 animals. *Significant difference compared with control NS; S, p = 0.0367, Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn's multiple-comparisons test. C, Average frequency of mEJP versus number of pulses in protocols totaling 16 min of stimulation showing a linear relationship, p = 0.0027, n = 10 NMJs from 5 animals for each number of pulses.