Individual auditory-threshold estimation for three subjects utilizing estimated hearing thresholds (EHTs) computed from EDPTs according to Eq. (7) for short-pulse (red; pulsed) and continuous (blue; cont.) DPOAEs. Black lines: Behavioral thresholds (BTs). Shaded areas: Standard deviations of EDPTs, , derived from the linear regression analysis of the DPOAE I/O function, and of BTs, , derived from the three consecutive Békésy measurements. In general, EHTs match BTs closely, but the continuous data are prone to large differences between EHTs and BTs (e.g., at 5 kHz in B) due to wave interference. Both stimulus paradigms exhibit large deviations from BTs for f2 = 1 kHz (A) or 8 kHz (B and C), which is also reflected in the statistics given in Table II. Evaluation parameters (see Sec. III D for definitions) from subjects K001 (A), S004 (B), and S064 (C) are as follows. For short-pulse EHTs: (A) = 4.67 dB, = 11.00 dB; (B) = 5.58 dB, = 13.50 dB; (C) = 6.95 dB, = 11.95 dB. For continuous EHTs: (A) = 7.36 dB, = 11.94 dB; (B) = 9.26 dB, = 19.12 dB; (C) = 11.26 dB, = 25.32 dB.