Figure 1. Oral administration of HA35 inhibits Citrobacter rodentium infection in adult mice.
A. Mice were orally administered HA35 (300µg/mouse) or water once daily for 5 days by gavage before the infection and post infection. After pretreatment, Citrobacter (3×108 bacteria per mouse) were delivered by gavage. Mice were weighed daily post Citrobacter infection. Average body weight is calculated from 4 mice/group of non-infected mice and 6 mice/group of infected mice and data are combined from two independent experiments. Statistical analysis was done using a one-tailed unpaired t-test and the significance of differences is indicated in the figure (*, p<0.05, **, p<0.01). Error bars=S.E.M. B. The number of kanamycin resistant Citrobacter in the stool of infected mice (n=3 per group) was determined by growth on kanamycin containing McConkey agar plates. Statistical analysis was done using the one-tailed unpaired t-test and the significance of differences is indicated in the figure (*, p<0.05). C. Colons were collected from mice treated with HA35 (300µg/mouse) or water once per day for 5 days before the infection and 7 days post infection. Distal colon sections from Citrobacter infected mice were immunostained for Citrobacter (red) and nuclei were stained blue (DAPI) as described in “Methods”, and non-infected mouse colons were used as negative bacterial staining controls. Low magnification images were generated with tile scanning fluorescent imaging and high magnification images were taken using confocal microscopy of a single plane.