Figure 5.
Sprouty shape effect vectors. Vectors illustrating the effect of homozygote Sprouty gene deletion from the (A–C) lateral view and the superior view (D–F). Only the left and midline points of the mouse skull are represented in the superior view panels. Points represent mean control shape, which is connected to mean homozygote knockout shape by a line. Blue represents mice on the 129 background, black on the C57 background, and red on the FVB background. Thin skull outlines are references for sagittal midline features (green) and bilateral features (blue), which are meant to provide a frame of reference within the skull. Landmark numbers match a previously defined landmark list (Percival et al. 2016) and midline landmarks are highlighted with a preceding “M.” This is not a representation of the covariation associated with a principal component, but is the actual vector of difference in mean Procrustes coordinates between these groups.