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. 2017 May 12;21:104. doi: 10.1186/s13054-017-1692-3

Table 4.

Adjusted odds ratio using fluid intake and fluid balance as design variables in multivariable logistic regression

Model 1 Model 2
Variables Odds ratio 95% CI P value Variables Odds ratio 95% CI P value
Fluid intake level 1 (≤29) Reference Fluid balance level 1 (–19 ~ 0) Reference
Level 2 (30 ~ 59) 0.73 0.56–0.96 0.024 Level 2 (–39 ~ –20) 0.88 0.69–1.11 0.286
Level 3 (60 ~ 89) 0.61 0.43–0.85 0.004 Level 3 (–59 ~ –40) 0.79 0. 65–1.11 0.181
Level 4 (>90) 0.47 0.30–0.74 0.001 Level 4 (≤ –60) 0.56 0. 33–0.95 0.034
Diuretics 1.36 1.09–1.68 0.005 Diuretics use 1.50 1.21–1.86 <0.001
Blood products 1.51 1.19–1.91 0.001 Blood product 1.36 1.08–1.72 0.009
Weight 0.98 0.98–0.99 <0.001 Weight 0.99 0.98–0.99 <0.001
Maximum WBC 1.03 1.02–1.05 <0.001 Maximum WBC 1.03 1.01–1.04 <.0001
Maximum SOFA score 1.11 1.08–1.14 <0.001 Maximum SOFA 1.11 1.07–1.13 <0.001
Maximum serum creatinine 1.15 1.08–1.22 <0.001 Maximum serum creatinine 1.18 1.11–1.26 <0.001
MICU 1.74 1.35–2.24 <0.001 MICU 1.89 1.48–2.42 <0.001
CCU 2.11 1.61–2.77 <0.001 CCU 2.29 1.75–2.99 <0.001

WBC white blood cells, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment, MICU medical ICU, CCU coronary care unit. Diuretic and blood product use was defined as any diuretics or blood products used within 48 hour of ICU admission while maximum serum creatinine and SOFA values are for the whole ICU stay. The mean variance inflation factor was 2.44 and 2.15 and the p value for goodness of fit was 0.258 and 0.372 in model 1and model 2, respectively