Unsafe stopping |
2814 |
36.0 |
Failure to
attempt to stop at stop sign, incomplete stop at stop sign, failure
to attempt to stop at light, incomplete stop at light, false
Driving unbelted |
1542 |
19.7 |
seatbelt unfastened (≤20 mph), driver seatbelt unfastened
(>20 mph), passenger seatbelt unfastened
Distractions (smoking, eating, etc.) |
1093 |
14.0 |
beverage, food, reading paperwork, other task, passenger(s),
grooming/personal hygiene, mobile phone – talking (hands
Mobile use handheld |
1053 |
13.5 |
Mobile phone
– talking (handheld), operating other mobile device, mobile
phone - texting/dialing
Speeding |
681 |
8.7 |
maximum fleet speed, moderate speeding (≤10 mph over limit),
excessive speeding (>10 mph over limit)
Unprofessional driving |
177 |
2.3 |
Rude gesture,
unsafe backing, unsafe turning, unsafe braking, driving the wrong
way - off roadway, unsafe lane change/merging/passing, curb
check/jumped curb, raised voice, unsafe railroad crossing, lane
departure/straddling lanes, competitive/aggressive
Fatigue |
164 |
2.1 |
drowsy/falling asleep
Situational awareness |
47 |
0.6 |
Not scanning
road ahead, not checking mirrors, unsafe following (≤1 s),
unsafe following (1.25–2 s), unsafe following
(2.25–3 s)
Other events |
249 |
3.2 |
Driving with
two hands off wheel, captured roadway incident
Total |
7820 |
100 |